Natural Honey

For millennia honey was considered a sweetener.
Where Today we know that it contains many other substances that are beneficial for people.
It is an excellent nutrient and calmative. 
Owing to its antibacterial and antioxidant properties, it is widely used in folk medicine. 
Honey is a sweet, viscous fluid collected as nectar from flowers.
Nectar contains 20-40 % sucrose collected by hive bees and deposited inside the cell in comb
Collection and ripening of honey is done by the bees
Ripening of honey is by the action of enzymes and by evaporation of water fanning of wings.
Composition of Fully Ripened Honey
Levulose – 41.0%
Dextrose – 35.0%
Sucrose  – 1.9%
Dextrin – 1.5%
Percent (Approx.)
Minerals – 2.0%
Water    – 19-20%
Enzymes, Vitamins – 1.6%
Pigments include: 
Carotene, Chlorophyll, Xanthophyll.
Minerals include :
Potassium, Calcium, Phosphorus, Sodium, Manganese, Copper, sulphur, Silica, Iron.
Nicotinic acid, Vitamin ‘K’, Folic acid, Ascorbic acid, pantothenic acid.
Mustard Honey.
Natural honey produced by bees when they predominantly forge on mustard flowers.
It a natural antioxidants, antiseptic and many natural healing properties.
Its more prone to crystallization and crystallized mustard honey has a rich creamy lowers cholesterol level and reduces thw risk of heart attacks.
Mustard honey helps with weight management helps in soothing nerves and relieving headache.
it increases immunity, relieves cold and cough, treats psoriasis and it decreases symptoms of rheumatoid arthritis.
It speed up your metabolism, stimulates and ads digestion and inhibits cancer cell growth.
Eucalyptus Honey
Sourced from the nectar of Eucalyptus blossoms. Which  is an effective cough suppressant and protects the immune system.
it is also a great remedy for burns, abrasions, sores, ulcers, and even insect bites.
Karanj Honey.
Sourced from the nectar of Karanja blossoms. used in Ayurvedic and folk medicines for eye ailments and skin diseases such as eczema, itch, rheumatism wounds, and worms. its botanical name is Pongamia pinnata belongs to Fabaceae family. Karanja twigs were used as toothbrush in ancient times.
Ban Thulsi Honey.
100% natural organic honey fille with nectar collected from flowers of the Holy Basil or thulsi herb which complements your min-day green tea filing you with energy and increasing your stamina to complete your busy day. Known for its holistic  properties to fight several diseases acts like a weapon against cough, cold and diarrhea ,urinary tract infections, help as Skin cleanser and build stronger immunity and develop a healthy gut.
Litchi Honey.
Good for health sourced from the finest litchi  orchards. Known to have healing properties, it boosts weight loss, strengthens bones, lowers blood pressure and optimize metabolism.

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30, Uttarahalli, Bengaluru, Karnataka, India -560061


+91 88846 34599

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